Baycrest@Home Tai-Chi

Residents will participate in a virtual Tai-Chi class via Zoom.

Shopping Bus

Residents get on a bus up to Fortino's and do their grocery shopping.

Coffee Club

Residents will gather in the Lounge to enjoy coffee, tea and treats with their neighbours.


Poetry in Motion

Residents will share their favourite poet or poem with the group or recite their own original poems.

Guest Speaker: Eldad Gerb

Residents will hear a presentation from tax lawyer Eldad Gerb and ask any estate/tax questions they may have.

Sit & Stretch

Exercise with Robert

Ethical Dilemmas

Residents will get a series of ethical dilemmas and discuss which course of action is best to take.

Name That Tune

Residents will try to guess what song is being played after hearing a short part of the song.