Tea Talk with Blanche

Residents will have various topics of conversations with staff member Blanche while drinking tea.

Chanukah Party

Residents will gather together to celebrate Chanukah with light refreshments while listening to a Klezmer Band.

Coffee Club

Residents will gather in the Lounge to enjoy coffee, tea and treats with their neighbours.

Shopping Bus

Residents get on a bus up to No Frills and do their grocery shopping.

Rosh Chodesh Lecture

Residents will listen to a Rosh Chodesh Lecture from one of our residents Sid.

Sit & Stretch

Residents will do various stretching exercises while sitting in a chair.

Times of History

The facilitator will read off various events in history that happened and the residents will guess what time in history it occurred.

Ethical Dilemmas

Residents will get a series of ethical dilemmas and discuss which course of action is best to take.